European Regional Creation Care Conference
Lausanne/WEA Global Campaign for Creation Care and the Gospel
Location: Les Courmettes (A Rocha France), near Nice, France
10-14 September 2017
Calling all Christians in Europe! You are invited to attend a special conference at the beautiful Les Courmettes Centre, near Nice, to join us in exploring God’s Word (the Bible), God’s World (the state of the planet), and God’s Work (how Christians can be, and already are being, part of the solution).
We have a range of exciting speakers, including top bible scholars Dr Chris Wright (Langham International – UK) and Dr Rosalee Velloso-Ewell (World Evangelical Alliance – Brazil); scientists Dr Deepa Senapathi (University of Reading – India / UK) and Marcial Felgueiras (A Rocha – Portugal); expert on consumerism and lifestyle Dr Ruth Valerio (Tearfund – UK); former Director of Friends of the Earth UK and now CEO of A Rocha UK, Andy Atkins; renewable energy expert, Dr Max Boegli (Switzerland), and the leaders of the global Lausanne / World Evangelical Creation Care Campaign, Rev Ed Brown (USA) and Rev Dave Bookless (UK), plus others from Germany, France and elsewhere.
How is creation care integral mission? What can the history of slavery teach us about climate justice? How can we get our churches to engage in caring for God’s world? Is it possible to keep going for the long-haul against the tide of environmental degradation? How can we restore our economy? How can my daily lifestyle bring change?
There will be a mix of plenary talks and interactive seminars on these questions and more. Time will also be set aside to meet in national groups to think through how to make a difference together to care for creation when back home in our local contexts.
Let’s create a movement of change amongst Christians across Europe!
What you need to know:
Who should come?Christians across Europe. We especially want to encourage young adults 18-35. We have kept costs as low as possible to encourage all Europeans to attend.
What will we do?The conference will be a mix of plenary sessions and workshops (in English– simultaneous translation into French is available for plenary sessions).We will also explore and enjoy God’s creation around the beautiful Domaine de Courmettes, have time to get to know each other, and pray and reflect.
When?The conference will begin at 18:30 on Sunday, 10 September and end with lunch at 14:00 on Thursday, 14 September. Please arrive on Sunday between 15-18:00.
Where and how to get there?A Rocha France will host us at Les Courmettes, their field study centre in the hills above Nice, France. The nearest town accessible by public transport is Vence (accessible by bus from Nice and elsewhere). Shuttles will be organised between Vence and Les Courmettes on Sunday and Thursday afternoons only – no public transportation is available. Otherwise, a taxi from Vence will be the only way up the mountain. For information on getting to Vence from Nice / Nice Airport visit http://www.lifeinriviera.com/transport/buses/lignesdazur/#.WHSfOFwkTrQ
How much? Conference fees are per person and cover full board, accommodation, conference participation and one return trip from Vence (see above).
- Camping: 120 € (bring your own tent and bedding)
- Dormitory: 200 €
- 2-4 bed room: 270 €
Food & Diet: all food at the conference will be vegetarian to minimise carbon footprint and cost. A second dietary option (vegan gluten-free) can be requested after registration.
Registration: is now open at www.europeanea.org/index.php/our-event/creation-care-gospel
Any questions should be sent to creationcareeurope@arocha.org
This European conference on Creation Care and the Gospel is the 8th in a series of regional conferences organised by the Lausanne Movement and the World Evangelical Alliance, in partnership with A Rocha International, Care of Creation and, in this case, the European Evangelical Alliance.
We do not currently have any bursaries to reduce fees further, but if you have tried all your own means of fund-raising, and still cannot afford attendance, please contact us and your name will be added to a list should bursaries later become available. If you can’t come yourself, why not consider sponsoring a young adult from your church / organisation to attend, or contact us to sponsor somebody who might not otherwise be able to attend?
We will all need to travel to attend this conference. Flying is a significant contributor to global climate change, so do consider train / bus / car-pooling. If you would like to offset the carbon emissions from your travel, why not useClimate Stewards? Climate Stewards – part of the A Rocha family – is a Christian organisation that works with schools and local communities in Ghana, Kenya and Mexico to care for indigenous trees and promote the use of fuel-efficient cookstoves, water filters and solar lights.